By Duane Coombs
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Students at Excelsior High School are now better equipped to tackle the challenges of E-learning following the generous donation of computers to the school on Thursday September 1, 2022, by the Class of 1980.
Dubbed a “soft handover”, in advance of a more formal presentation later in the school term, the gift comprised 30 desktop computers and a multimedia projector.
This is part of the Class of 1980’s legacy project commemorating its 40th anniversary after graduation. It seamlessly dovetails with the school’s initiative to build out computer laboratories to facilitate an improved E-learning environment.
In accepting the donation, Principal Deanroy Bromfield lauded the group for its effort and was effusive in his praise for the Class of 1980’s continued support of the alma mater.
“It is difficult to express in words our tremendous gratitude to these individuals who have so generously given back to their school,” Mr. Bromfield gushed.
“When the Class of 1980 donates equipment to outfit an entire computer laboratory, it means our prayers have been answered and our objective of all students being enrolled in Information Technology by September 2023 so much closer to being a reality”.
Dr. Barry Houston, Judith Thompson-Grossett, and Heather Cole-Prendergast represented the class during the informal handover.
Speaking on behalf of the group, Dr. Houston expressed the group’s enduring gratitude to the school. He went further in stating their readiness to help when called upon and hinted at other future initiatives to aesthetically improve the Class of 1980-sponsored computer lab, to make it an environment in which the students will look forward to being.
Weighing in from New York, reunion planning committee member, Charmaine Thomas-Taylor, explained, “Excelsior left an indelible mark on each of us, so choosing to be part of a project that is larger than any one of us, we worked as a team to bring a piece of success to the school’s IT Department and to say to the students, ‘We care about your place in the global world.’ ”
It was a recurring sentiment echoed by a cross-section of respondents from the Class of 1980. Others noted that this latest initiative signaled the unceasing collaborative effort between the school and the Class of 1980.
Over the years, members of the Class of 1980, have been notable for their unstinting support, both individually and collectively, of an array of initiatives to enhance the educational experience at Excelsior High School.